Loi canadienne anti-pourriel : Envoyez des courriels en toute légalité + ChatGPT - Intermediate : Methods, prompts, processes, and tips = 30% discount

Loi canadienne anti-pourriel : Envoyez des courriels en toute légalité

Sablier Duration: 1h30 Niveau Beginner Webcast In Webinar Recording Recorded to listen again Webcam Certificate

Description And Objectives

Me Jonchères explore le cadre légal de la Loi canadienne anti-pourriel (LCAP), en se concentrant sur les exigences et les obligations imposées aux entreprises lors de l'envoi de messages électroniques commerciaux.

Les objectifs sont d'identifier les pratiques nécessaires pour se conformer à la loi, et de découvrir les meilleures stratégies pour une mise en application efficace et respectueuse de la LCAP.

Training Plan

  1. Introduction
  2. Aperçu de la loi canadienne anti-pourriel (LCAP)
  3. Exigences clés de la LCAP
  4. Règlements et application
  5. Stratégie de mise en conformité

This training is also available in these programs:

Advantage: Improve your professional skills in a specific field while taking advantage of advantageous rates.

Target Audience

Dirigeants d'entreprise, responsables marketing, gestionnaires TI, juristes d'entreprise


Erwan Jonchères

Avocat, Satoshi Legal

Erwan Jonchères has been a member of the Quebec Bar since 2018. He specializes in the field of privacy protection and assists both Quebec-based and international technology companies with their legal affairs.

Previously, Me Jonchères practiced law at the French firm Haas Avocats, which specializes in data protection, during the preparation for the implementation of the GDPR. He also spent time at the Cyberjustice Laboratory, a research center at the University of Montreal aimed at improving access to justice through the development of judicial technologies.

Me Jonchères holds a master's degree in business law from the University of Paris V Descartes and an LL.M. in information technology law from the University of Montreal. His thesis focused on the legal framework of cryptocurrencies. Currently, his interests have expanded to include blockchain and smart contracts.

Quotes Sign Me Jonchères is highly engaging and demonstrates excellent mastery of his subject matter. », Cedrick R.
Erwan's trainings at Isarta

Training Room

Address 1, carré Westmount, 16e étage, Westmount

Stationnement Stationnement disponible dans l'immeuble

Métro Métro Atwater - Montréal

Nourriture Collations, café et thé gracieusement offerts

Isarta Benefits


Specialized trainers with solid field experience and proven teaching skills.


In small groups only, allowing you to ask questions.

From the comfort of your home, take part in our interactive webinar!


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Refund Policy

Refund Policy
10 days or more before the training date: full refund
Between 9 and 8 days before the training: 50% refund of the registration fee
7 days or less before the training: no refund

Isarta reserves the right to cancel a training session in the event of an insufficient number of registrations. In such a case, the full registration fee will be refunded.

Substitutions of participants are accepted free of charge until the course is held.