Midi Express Conference

L’humain au cœur de la cybersécurité : 4 émotions exploitées

Par Emeline Manson le 14 April 2023


Et si on abordait l'aspect humain de la cybersécurité ?

Pour faire de l'humain notre meilleur atout, il faut être en mesure de comprendre la menace et nos propres réactions face à celle-ci.

Comment font les cybercriminels ? Comment font-ils pour mettre le doigt sur les bonnes émotions qui nous font réagir ?

Par des exemples concrets, partez à la découverte de vos propres réflexes pour déjouer les tentatives des cybercriminels, leur compliquer la vie… et vous simplifier la vôtre!


Emeline Manson

Founder of CY-clic, trainer in fraud prevention and cybersecurity

When we think of cybersecurity, we think of technology and infrastructure. Why do we forget that humans play a role in 90% of attacks and scams?

Emeline Manson's mission is to train businesses to adopt better online practices to repel fraudsters and hackers.

She teaches at Polytechnique Montréal's Cyber Investigation Certificate program and runs a training and coaching company in fraud prevention and cybersecurity.

Her expertise is based on knowledge gained during her Bachelor's degree in Criminology, her specialization in cybercrime, her experience as a psychosocial intervenor, and her expertise in financial crime in the banking sector.

Quotes Sign Emeline is highly professional. She is also excellent in presentation and in simplifying complex information. », Anonyme
Quotes Sign Emeline provided us with excellent advice on how to protect ourselves and our businesses against cybercrime! Her way of teaching is simple, clear, and impactful, which helps us realize the dangers and how simple actions can make a difference. », Anonyme
Quotes Sign Emeline knows how to address the right topics without judgment or pressure. I definitely feel more equipped and in control to protect myself against cybercrime. », Anonyme
Emeline's trainings at Isarta