Gérez les processus, pas les employés + Événementiel - Comment trouver des commanditaires = 30% discount

Gérez les processus, pas les employés

Sablier Duration: 7h Niveau Beginner-Intermediate Webcast In Webinar Recording Recorded to listen again Webcam Certificate

Description And Objectives

Cette formation vous plonge dans les principes fondamentaux de la gestion de la performance, en introduisant des concepts clés et des outils pratiques.

Apprenez à distinguer l'évaluation des processus de celle des personnes, et développez une compréhension approfondie des rôles essentiels d'un leader. Vous explorerez des méthodes pour créer une vision claire, fournir un soutien efficace à vos équipes, et favoriser le développement continu de vos collaborateurs.

Training Plan

  1. Découvrez les principes clés de la gestion de la performance
  2. Apprenez à distinguer l’évaluation des personnes et l’évaluation des processus
  3. Explorez vos 3 rôles de leader et comprenez leur effet sur la performance de l’organisation
  4. Maîtrisez la clarification des objectifs
  5. Créez un système de gestion qui soutient votre équipe
  6. Définissez des processus clairs qui donnent de bons résultats répétables.
  7. Faites croître les compétences de vos équipes
  8. Utilisez des outils concrets pour évaluer la progression des équipes
  9. Gérer la performance des processus et développer la compétence des employés

This training is also available in these programs:

Advantage: Improve your professional skills in a specific field while taking advantage of advantageous rates.

Target Audience

Cette formation s'adresse aux gestionnaires, chefs d'équipe, et responsables RH qui souhaitent améliorer leur approche de la gestion de la performance.


Julie Savage-Fournier

Operational efficiency consultant, trainer and coach

Julie Savage-Fournier is the founder and principal consultant of Kaizen Radical. Trained as an industrial engineer, she holds a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering with a specialization in production and logistics, as well as a Master's degree in Health Systems Engineering from Polytechnique Montréal. A member of the Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec and certified as a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt, she has over 20 years of experience in continuous improvement.

Positive, empathetic, and creative, Julie has tackled numerous challenges in continuous improvement and strategic consulting, allowing her to develop a comprehensive understanding of manufacturing, service organizations, and the healthcare sector.

Through involvement in multiple strategic, structural, and technological changes, Julie has gained deep insights into the issues and specific challenges of complex projects involving numerous stakeholders.

Julie's trainings at Isarta

Training Room

Address 1, carré Westmount, 16e étage, Westmount

Stationnement Stationnement disponible dans l'immeuble

Métro Métro Atwater - Montréal

Nourriture Collations, café et thé gracieusement offerts

Isarta Benefits


Specialized trainers with solid field experience and proven teaching skills.


In small groups only, allowing you to ask questions.

From the comfort of your home, take part in our interactive webinar!


Did you follow the live webcast, but would like to watch some part again?

Access the recording during 30 days!

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Refund Policy

Refund Policy
10 days or more before the training date: full refund
Between 9 and 8 days before the training: 50% refund of the registration fee
7 days or less before the training: no refund

Isarta reserves the right to cancel a training session in the event of an insufficient number of registrations. In such a case, the full registration fee will be refunded.

Substitutions of participants are accepted free of charge until the course is held.