Midi Express Conference

Faites de votre création de marque un incontournable

Par Richard Saad le 16 June 2023


Comment certaines marques parviennent à se démarquer de la concurrence et à captiver leur public ?

C’est ce que Richard Saad, expert en marketing, va vous expliquer dans cette conférence. De la création de marques charismatiques, en passant par de la recherche initiale à la mise en œuvre finale pour laisser une impression durable sur le public cible.

Avec notre expert, vous apprendrez les secrets pour créer une identité de marque forte, élaborer une stratégie de marketing efficace et développer une image cohérente et mémorable qui restera gravée dans l'esprit de votre public.

Ne manquez pas cette opportunité de vous démarquer dans un marché saturé et de créer des marques qui inspirent la confiance et la loyauté des clients.


Richard Saad

Business and Marketing Consultant

Richard Saad is a marketing expert and accomplished business leader with over 15 years of experience in both international and Canadian markets. He has won prestigious awards and has served large companies and institutions such as Pepsi, Audi, the Government of Quebec, IKEA, Gulf Bank, Yellow Pages Group, Bombardier, Quebecor, Pfizer, and many others.

In 2008, Richard Saad founded Remarkable Communications, a full-service agency based in Montreal. As the head of the company, he led numerous marketing projects and ensured a high level of creativity in all services provided by the agency. In addition to his full-time consulting work, Richard Saad shares his passion for marketing by teaching MBA courses at HEC Montreal and as a Global Program Leader in Washington DC, USA.

Richard Saad holds a Master's degree in Communications and Marketing from Laval University in Quebec, as well as an Executive MBA from McGill-HEC University. He also has a Bachelor's degree in Art and Advertising from the University of Montreal and a diploma in Graphic and Multimedia Design from the International Academy of Design.

Quotes Sign Great speaker. Great communicator. », Karla L.
Quotes Sign Highly competent speaker with very clear explanations ! », Sylvie H.
Richard's trainings at Isarta