Google Ads - Intermediate-Advanced + LinkedIn : Stratégie B2B pour les pros du marketing et de la vente = 30% discount

Google Ads - Intermediate-Advanced

Sablier Duration: 3h30 Niveau Intermediate-Advanced Webcast In Webinar Recording Recorded to listen again Webcam Certificate

Description And Objectives

Are you already familiar with Google Search but not sure how to optimize your campaigns? Do you want to discover the settings for other types of campaigns like YouTube, Remarketing, Display, etc.? Do you want to make sure you properly integrate conversion tracking codes on your website to track the return on investment of your campaigns?

It is important to have access to a Google Ads account before taking the training.

Quotes Sign The trainer was attentive to the participants. He included the participants in his examples of situations, answered questions in depth, and shared several relevant anecdotes from his experiences. His sense of humor made the training both entertaining and informative. Well done! », Jean
Quotes Sign Dynamic trainer who takes the time to answer questions. He was interested in the participants and has a good mastery of the subject! », Martine

Training Plan

Theoretical Training and Demonstration:

  1. Reminder of the proper structure of a campaign on the search network
  2. Conversion tracking
    • Installation of Google Ads conversion tracking codes
    • Call tracking installation
    • Linking Google Analytics with Google Ads
      • Setting objectives
    • Optimizing your campaigns
      • Learning to read data from multiple Google Ads tables
      • Sorting search terms and excluding keywords
  3. Learning to use other types of campaigns that can convert
    • Display campaigns
    • Remarketing
    • YouTube Ads (difference between TrueView and Discovery)
  4. Introduction to Google Ads Editor
  5. Understanding Quality Score

Practical Training: Optimize Your Campaigns

It's your turn! After reviewing the different optimization strategies, you will have free rein to optimize your own campaigns under the supervision of the trainer. There's nothing like practicing on your own campaigns to ensure you understand the logic.

Target Audience

  • Anyone who has already set up campaigns but is not sure how to optimize them.
  • Anyone interested in learning more about the different networks offered by Google Ads (display, remarketing, display)
  • Anyone who wants to learn more about how Google Ads Editor works.


Augustin Delporte

Web Marketing Technical Consultant

Augustin Delporte is an expert in Google Tag Manager, certified in Google Analytics and Google Ads.

As a former developer, he has a strong command of the technical aspects of web marketing and e-commerce. His multidisciplinary approach enables him to address a wide range of performance measurement issues.

Quotes Sign Highly qualified and dynamic trainer who perfectly mastered the subject matter. They are able to adapt to the participants' realities. There were many examples related to the material presented. », Mario D.
Quotes Sign The instructor explains very well and takes the time to answer our questions. », Valérie B.
Augustin's trainings at Isarta

Training Room

Address 1, carré Westmount, 16e étage, Westmount

Stationnement Stationnement disponible dans l'immeuble

Métro Métro Atwater - Montréal

Nourriture Collations, café et thé gracieusement offerts

Isarta Benefits


Specialized trainers with solid field experience and proven teaching skills.


In small groups only, allowing you to ask questions.

From the comfort of your home, take part in our interactive webinar!


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Refund Policy

Refund Policy
10 days or more before the training date: full refund
Between 9 and 8 days before the training: 50% refund of the registration fee
7 days or less before the training: no refund

Isarta reserves the right to cancel a training session in the event of an insufficient number of registrations. In such a case, the full registration fee will be refunded.

Substitutions of participants are accepted free of charge until the course is held.