Google Analytics 4 - Intermediate-Advanced

Sablier Duration: 3h30 Niveau Intermediate-Advanced Webcast In Webinar Recording Recorded to listen again Webcam Certificate

Description And Objectives

Are you very comfortable with Universal Analytics and have good knowledge of Google Analytics 4, but want to go further? Do you want to be able to use more advanced features than what you are currently using?

This training is for you. It will allow you to better understand the advanced features of Google Analytics 4 to better leverage the tool.

This step is also essential if you want to reproduce the settings you use in Universal Analytics directly in Google Analytics 4.

Quotes Sign A good presentation of the GA4 data model to understand its functioning. The links to be made in the platform were relevant and constructive for identifying important elements for our reports. », Valéry L.
Quotes Sign Professional and attentive trainer. He takes the time to explain things to us. », Emma C.

Training Plan

Theoretical and Demonstration Training

During this training, you will learn how to :

  1. Use recommended and custom events
  2. Configure and use custom statistics and dimensions
  3. Configure audiences
  4. Configure and use conversions
  5. Link Google Ads and Google Search Console to Google Analytics 4
  6. Create UTM tags for Google Analytics 4
  7. Create and use segments

Hands-on training: it's your turn

This training includes concrete examples and exercises to help you put into practice the knowledge we transmit to you.

It is important to have access to a Google Analytics account before taking the training.

Target Audience

Anyone who wishes to understand advanced features of Google Analytics 4 in order to better understand visitor behavior on their website and various external campaigns. Suitable for intermediate-level individuals.


Augustin Delporte

Web Marketing Technical Consultant

Augustin Delporte is an expert in Google Tag Manager, certified in Google Analytics and Google Ads.

As a former developer, he has a strong command of the technical aspects of web marketing and e-commerce. His multidisciplinary approach enables him to address a wide range of performance measurement issues.

Quotes Sign Highly qualified and dynamic trainer who perfectly mastered the subject matter. They are able to adapt to the participants' realities. There were many examples related to the material presented. », Mario D.
Quotes Sign The instructor explains very well and takes the time to answer our questions. », Valérie B.
Augustin's trainings at Isarta

Training Room

Address 1, carré Westmount, 16e étage, Westmount

Stationnement Stationnement disponible dans l'immeuble

Métro Métro Atwater - Montréal

Nourriture Collations, café et thé gracieusement offerts

Isarta Benefits


Specialized trainers with solid field experience and proven teaching skills.


In small groups only, allowing you to ask questions.

From the comfort of your home, take part in our interactive webinar!


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Refund Policy

Refund Policy
10 days or more before the training date: full refund
Between 9 and 8 days before the training: 50% refund of the registration fee
7 days or less before the training: no refund

Isarta reserves the right to cancel a training session in the event of an insufficient number of registrations. In such a case, the full registration fee will be refunded.

Substitutions of participants are accepted free of charge until the course is held.