SEO - Intermediate-Advanced

Private or Corporate Training

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Description And Objectives

Companies, associations, institutions, entrepreneurs, and businesses - we all use the web to showcase our products and services and stand out from the competition. The web has become so ubiquitous in our professional lives that it's essential to use it optimally and know the fundamentals and techniques that increase visibility. Otherwise, you risk putting in a lot of effort for little results. This is where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes into play.

In this training, you'll learn the basics of SEO, discover which elements to optimize on your site and outside of it, the importance of local SEO and keyword research, and finally, how to measure and track your results.

The objective of this training is to approach SEO in its entirety by moving from theory to practice by analyzing concrete examples of successful optimization. You'll also receive personalized advice to improve your SEO and strategy.

Objectives :

  • Integrate SEO into your web marketing strategy
  • Master advanced SEO techniques
  • Encourage and enrich search engine indexing
  • Optimize the technical aspects of your site
  • Focus on local SEO
  • Audit, measure and track results.
Quotes Sign A dynamic and highly interesting trainer. A participatory training that was greatly appreciated! Relevant content that I will use in my daily practice. », Anick
Quotes Sign I really enjoyed this training. The balance between the theoretical content and practical advice that is really useful in everyday life was perfect. I come out of it with the impression of understanding the material well but above all, being able to take concrete actions quickly. », Amélie

Training Plan

Topics covered in the training include:

  1. Integrating SEO into your web strategy
  2. Creating long-form content and researching long-tail keywords
  3. On-site SEO and advanced technical optimizations (URL structure, title tags, crawl budget, log analysis, AMP)
  4. Structured data, featured snippets, and position 0
  5. Focusing on local SEO (Google My Business, etc.)
  6. Auditing, tracking, and improving results with powerful tools (Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Google Data Studio, SEMRush, Oncrawl, Moz)
  7. Practical cases and examples

Target Audience

This training is intended for anyone who has knowledge of the fundamentals of SEO and wishes to improve their mastery of the subject and apply concrete techniques.


Myriam Jessier

Web Marketing Consultant

Myriam Jessier is a technical marketing expert and trainer. Specializing in search engine optimization (SEO), Google Analytics and Google Ads, they head PRAGM, a boutique agency in Montreal. Myriam's objective as a trainer is to effectively simplify technical concepts for professional marketers signing up for Isarta courses. Need to gain expertise by learning techniques, tools and approaches to take your company to the next level? Check out Myriam's courses. 

Quotes Sign Myriam keeps us engaged throughout the entire training. She has a strong command of the subject matter, is engaging, and makes us want to learn more and continue with the next training session ! », Frédérique S.
Quotes Sign A big wow. She absolutely nails her content and delivers it with passion. », Cloé B.
Quotes Sign The instructor knows how to capture and hold attention. She demonstrates generosity in sharing her knowledge. », Isabelle P.
Myriam's trainings at Isarta

Isarta Benefits


Our trainers make sure to take into account your needs, your questions and your industry in the preparation of their presentation.


Specialized trainers with solid field experience and proven teaching skills.