SEO for Content Writers and Strategists + Marketing IA : bâtir une campagne marketing de A à Z = 30% discount

SEO for Content Writers and Strategists

Sablier Duration: 3h30 Niveau Intermediate-Advanced Webcast In Webinar Recording Recorded to listen again Webcam Certificate

Description And Objectives

Learn how to quickly or thoroughly perform keyword research to optimize your content for SEO. This course aims to teach you how to use free and paid tools to conduct a competitive analysis of Google search results and perform keyword research. These steps are crucial for optimizing a website to ensure it ranks well in search engines.

Your keywords are the terms and phrases you will need to use within your web content. It is through these keywords that people can find your site via a search engine like Google.

A well-optimized website for SEO uses the same language as your target audience and has the potential to attract your future customers.

Quotes Sign The trainer really masters her subject and manages to simplify everything for a more novice audience. Great interaction with the participants, adapts her examples and explanations according to each one's professional situation to illustrate everything well. Expresses herself with humor and conviviality, I really liked it! », Andrew M.
Quotes Sign It was a great presentation by Myriam. She is very knowledgeable and knows how to "demystify" things by using anecdotes and real-life situations. », Lyssa L.

Training Plan

  1. Introduction: Summary of the Research Process
    • Your Personas, Their Needs, and How They Express Their Needs
    • Decoding Search Intent to Choose the Right Keywords for the Right Pages
  2. How to Choose the Right Keywords ?
    • The Long-Tail Theory: The Key to Success
    • Types of Keywords
    • How to Find Keywords at Each Stage
  3. Where to Find the Right Keywords? The Right Tools and Concrete Methods
    • A Free Method with Google Search Console
    • Spying on the Competition with Paid Tools
    • Organization: Classification in Excel
    • B2B Keyword Research

Target Audience

This training is intended for copywriters, aspiring SEO specialists, web marketing specialists, and anyone else who wants to easily conduct keyword research.


Myriam Jessier

Web Marketing Consultant

Myriam Jessier is a technical marketing expert and trainer. Specializing in search engine optimization (SEO), Google Analytics and Google Ads, they head PRAGM, a boutique agency in Montreal. Myriam's objective as a trainer is to effectively simplify technical concepts for professional marketers signing up for Isarta courses. Need to gain expertise by learning techniques, tools and approaches to take your company to the next level? Check out Myriam's courses. 

Quotes Sign Myriam keeps us engaged throughout the entire training. She has a strong command of the subject matter, is engaging, and makes us want to learn more and continue with the next training session ! », Frédérique S.
Quotes Sign A big wow. She absolutely nails her content and delivers it with passion. », Cloé B.
Quotes Sign The instructor knows how to capture and hold attention. She demonstrates generosity in sharing her knowledge. », Isabelle P.
Myriam's trainings at Isarta

Training Room

Address 1, carré Westmount, 16e étage, Westmount

Stationnement Stationnement disponible dans l'immeuble

Métro Métro Atwater - Montréal

Nourriture Collations, café et thé gracieusement offerts

Isarta Benefits


Specialized trainers with solid field experience and proven teaching skills.


In small groups only, allowing you to ask questions.

From the comfort of your home, take part in our interactive webinar!


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Refund Policy

Refund Policy
10 days or more before the training date: full refund
Between 9 and 8 days before the training: 50% refund of the registration fee
7 days or less before the training: no refund

Isarta reserves the right to cancel a training session in the event of an insufficient number of registrations. In such a case, the full registration fee will be refunded.

Substitutions of participants are accepted free of charge until the course is held.